please add multiplayer where in the title screen youll see a toggle 2 players button when on two players youll see two sets of icons on each screen and two visions on screen and that way you will be able to play with someone else and also plz add animals like birds in the update after the next update, in the next update youll see animals coming soon and also add multiplayer in next update and also changing player model, add multiplayer in next update and Ill rate to 4 stars and add animals after the next update including pets like cats and dogs and Ill rate for 5 stars! and also I forgot to say, remove sky painting and add day to night, the sun in day, moon and stars at night, as well as the Milky Way Galaxy in the night sky, looking like spilled milk across the sky, also add this in the next update, the update with multiplayer! in the update after the next update, animals and creatures will be in the game at the same time! and also add space, the height limit being a lot higher, once you get higher and higher, the sky will get darker, and youll be in space, and the blue sky at the bottom of the space sky! and one more thing, also make it so that you can go to the moon, once you go really high, youll be taken to the moon, and youll even see earth at the very top of the sky, and youll even be able to jump higher, because there is not that much gravity, and in space youll just float around! also add space in the next update! and very last thing, add clouds back, but in both flat and normal worlds! and 1 player is when there is 1 set of icons and screens! and really really the last thing: add wings that you fly with, tap jump twice to fly, tap jump to glide down while flying, tap jump again to flap up, and is very fast, fastest way to travel in the air, and even creatures will have these and fly around worlds higher than a batty can fly!